Experience seamless login with our intuitive interface designed for cultural immersion.
Explore Wawaw Anywhere
Discover and stream African cinema and Worldwide culture on the go with our mobile-friendly app.
Streaming Bliss Across All Devices
Don't miss out on the revolution in entertainment
Experience the magic of WAWAW Sénégal, your ultimate streaming destination available on all devices!
Whether you're at home or on the go, enjoy a vast library of movies and diverse content, including a dedicated section for children filled with educational and entertaining options.
Download the WAWAW Sénégal app now and dive into endless streaming joy!
The Secure, Paperless Revolution
WAWAW Sénégal has revolutionized the cinema industry by integrating comprehensive filmmaking tools directly into our app. No more getting bogged down with endless paperwork; our digital platform streamlines project management, scheduling, budgeting, and collaboration, making film shooting projects more efficient and organized than ever before.
To ensure the security of filmmakers' data, we have integrated access codes for project entry, keeping all information safe and secure.
Now, filmmakers can focus on creativity and storytelling, leaving the logistical headaches behind.